DevalVR - script instructions



LENSFLARE=  [group,] name, visible, x, y,z, image1, color1, position1, scale1, ..., ..., ..., ..., imageN, colorN, positionN, scaleN;



group:  The name of the group of this object. This group name is useful to access several objects with only one function, for example, to show and hide a group of objects. This parameter is optional.
:  The name of this object. This name is useful to access this object, for example, to show and hide it
visible:  Initial state of the object: 0=hidden 1=visible
x, y, z:  Coordinates of insertion point of the lens flare, in 3D
:  The name of the image to show in this flash
color:  The color to apply to the image in this flash
position:  A percentage value to define where to show this flash, 0 is the insertion point of the lens flare, 100 is the end of the lens flare.
scale :  A percentage value to define the size of this flash image.



This instruction inserts a lens flare in a 3D position in the panorama.

The lens flare is defined by a set of images (flashes). Every image is defined by a group of four parameters "image, color, position, scale". It's possible to define any number of images in a lens flare.

The images of the lens flare are shown with an additive effect, so, the color value can be used to define the level of transparency. A dark color produces a higher level of transparency, because the numerical value of the color produces a small addition in the background image.

It's possible to define any negative value for position parameter. In this case, the image will be shown behind the insertion point of the lens flare.



This example shows a lensflare with 3 flashes in the 3D coordinates 182,70,20

    lensflare= lens1, 1, 182,70,20, f1,#FFFFFF,0,250, f2,#111177,50,20, f2,#226666,100,110;

This is an example page using this instruction: Lens flare example